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  • UKBITS Ltd

Caution! Email Security Advice

We would like to stress the importance of everyone increasing their vigilance and caution when opening suspicious emails, particularly those with attachments, especially considering the current situation where many users are working from home.

A virus or ransomware infection could cripple a remote worker's PC or laptop and maybe even their business network if connected to VPN or for those still working from the physical office.

Given the instructions from the government regarding not leaving the home and restricting interaction with others, it would make it difficult to quickly and safely resolve any such avoidable malware infections.

There are people out there still trying to take advantage of these unfortunate times by sending SPAM, Phishing and malicious emails and they continue to improve the look of authenticity of these emails.

Please continue to remain cautious when suspicious of an email, even internal requests for bank transfers can be spoof emails from the bad guys purporting to be from the MD or Accounts Department.

If in doubt, you can always try to telephone the purported sender of a suspicious email to check its authenticity.

If you do so, please do not use telephone numbers or hyperlinks in the suspicious email, use your own records or look up the company’s telephone number by searching online for their website

Please be careful and stay safe!

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